The first Leadership Team Meeting is where you start to get into the details. We would suggest that first meeting start out with a short presentation about A Simple Gesture, you also might want to show a video.
CLICK HERE to go to a page that has some powerpoint presentations, links to videos, and impact stories that can help you explain what this is all about. That page will identify our favorite videos and information to present in your first meeting.
Once everyone gets the general idea it's time to talk about how your ASG chapter can get started. The next section is going to get into the details of rolling out the "Join Us Event". But there are some other important topics to also talk about.
- Talk about your "Area Served". When you created your Chapter Profile you created the map.
- Talk about the bags. Most ASG Chapters opt to use reusable Green Bags. These are expensive so this topic ties into raising sponsorship money. You can find out more about how and where to buy these bags by CLICKING HERE. Continue reading to learn more about sponsorship money.
- Talk about Sponsorship/Marketing Partners; Every community has companies, individuals, and foundations that tend to be very involved in great community programs. They will love 'A Simple Gesture' because it's a high impact program, a few dollars goes a long way, and its for your local community. Plus, you are going to be able to give these partners fantastic exposure for a very low cost. It's a win-win. This is such an important topic that we will cover it on its own page; CLICK HERE to learn more about finding Marketing Partners and how to develop their important contribution.
- Talk about the Beneficiaries; this is where your drivers drop off the food that has been donated. You can do some internet research to find your local pantries. If you have a Food Bank they may have a "Pantry Listing" on their site. The Food Bank is another viable place to take food, although we recommend delivering direct to Pantries to lower the cost and complexity of getting food into your community.