The ASG EVENT MANAGER is the Operating System to manage Chapter PickUp Events. This page will explain the various things that can be done using this special tool.
To access the tool click the button below.
The Chapter Administrators complete their Profile. This is handled using 3 different tabs.
Click or swipe on the different images in the Photo Gallery below for screen shots from the Chapter Profile Management Screens.
The Chapter Details capture general information about the Chapter and set up certain defaults, such as the default drop off address and notification dates.
Chapter Administrators have tools to manage Zones, Drop Off Locations and Users.
Click or swipe on the different images in the Photo Gallery below for screen shots to manage zones, drop off locations and users.
Chapter Users display everyone that has registered for the Chapter’s site to be a Donor or Driver. Chapter Admin can view and edit the data as required.
Once enough Users have signed up on the site the Chapter Administrator can set up an Event. They do this by selecting any of the zip codes or all of the zip codes, picking the date and time.
If the event is an introductory “Join Us Event” they can copy and paste a special QR Code onto the graphics program they are using to go with the Brown Paper Bag. More details on this can be found on the “Join Us Event” page. They also can add special text that the donors will see when the click the QR codes link.
The Event Planning tool has several features;
The Driver Selection Tool is necessary because the Chapter Administrator must determine who will be drivers. In most cases there are more drivers signed up than will be needed for a given event. (If there aren’t enough drivers the Chapter Admin can use the messaging tool to get more to volunteer, more on this in the “Messaging” section further down the page).
The Driver Selection Tool provides metrics on how many drivers might be needed, and then allows the Chapter Administrator to select that amount to receive an initial email to request their participation.
As drivers respond to the emails that information is visible for the Chapter Administrator to review. Based on this response information, the Chapter Admin sends out more emails until enough drivers have confirmed participation. There are also metrics for the Chapter Admin to use which help select drivers based on their past level of participation.
Click on the images in the following Photo Gallery to see the various screen shots to manage zones, drop off locations and users.
A day before the event the Chapter Admin will begin finalizing the event. They will then create the routes. After reviewing they then send the routes to the drivers using buttons in the Driver Selection Tool.
Click or swipe on the different images in the Photo Gallery below for screen shots to create and manage pickup events.
DRIVER DROP OFF; as Drivers confirm participation they can use the Default Drop Off Location or they can be assigned to specific drop off locations.
Donors and Drivers are the heart and soul of A Simple Gesture. Your greatest contribution is bringing them into the program. We want their experience to be as “Simple” as our name suggests so the keep donating in the future.
There are many ways Donors and Drivers might come to your Landing Page. Perhaps you held a “Join Us Event”, made a presentation somewhere, or found some other way to get their interest.
Their first step in the ASG Event Manager is to register. But even this can be simplified, the Chapter Admin can enter their email and address for them.
Once registered they can tell us if they want to be a donor, driver or both.
When an event is scheduled the donors will get notifications via email (and soon text) to verify if they can participate. Drivers take another step, which is explained in the “Event Planning” section above.
As the event draws near the donors and drivers receive reminders which also allow them to change their status.
On the day of the event the drivers receive their routes, along with buttons to get turn by turn directions from google maps. As they complete each stop they also can put the outcome along with any relevant notes.
The last “stop” for each driver is the drop-off location which was defined by the Chapter Admin in the Event Planning stage (see section above).
Click or swipe on the different images in the Photo Gallery below for screen shots showing what donors and drivers will see.
The Profile Page allows the User to set Donor or Driver to "Yes". They also provide other important information such as address and contact information and preferences.
Chapter Admins are going to want to send emails and texts to Donors and Drivers for different reasons. The tools allow recipients to be selected several different ways using filtering tools. By zone, role (donor or driver), and if they are or are not signed up for a particular event.
For example, if there aren’t enough drivers an email may go out to all donors asking to change their profile to also be a driver.
Templates are the default text used in emails and texts. Chapter admins can edit this text to be more applicable to their Chapter.
Click or swipe on the different images in the Photo Gallery below for screen shots showing the messaging tools.
A message can be sent to any zip code as well as just donors or drivers for any zip code. A message can also be sent to those participating (or not participating) in any event.
Reporting provides Chapter Admins with data on how the program is growing. Past events, donor totals, and driver totals Are available.
Every page of the ASG Event Manager has its own content specific help guide. These hopefully explain what Chapter Admins, donors and drivers need to navigate through the site.
Click or swipe on the different images in the Photo Gallery below for screen shots to show examples of the reports and help guides.
Data is available "by Zone" to show how many donors and drivers have signed up and are participating.
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